Manora,West Side of Manikganj Bus Stand (In front of Matsha Bhaban), Manikganj
We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.
Quality Policy:
CPI is committed to improve quality education in disciplined environment with the help of competent and dedicated faculty. We continuously strive to improve the teaching learning process to achieve academic excellence.
Quality Objectives:
CPI is committed to establish high standards to educate, enhance and excel in imparting professional Engineering and Management education, by well qualified and experienced faculty devoted in nurturing students into socially responsible professionals through creative collaboration, innovation and research.
We are a responsive and reliable job placement consultancy in Bangladesh providing manpower consultancy services and overseas placement consultancy services meeting the industry demands for unskilled & skilled manpower. Our process-driven organization assists clients in recruiting trained professionals for different industries.
Our teams of professionals have made a mark as one of the most prominent manpower recruitment consultants successfully worked in job placement service in Bangladesh. Our experience coupled with specific industry expertise gives us the strength to meet the most challenging of assignments within the stipulated time frame. It is our duty to understand every employer’s individual needs that is why we work in close co-ordination with our clients. we as a leading job placement service provider in Bangladesh HR Bangladesh already successfully provide placement service to all professional, skilled and unskilled position in so many national, multinational and group of companies in Bangladesh. we already support large project based placement service to our clients to fulfill their project requirement. we are responsible to fulfill our clients requirements in manpower placement service in Bangladesh.
In order to meet the changing requirements of industries of any size in Bangladesh, we provide regular training to our team members so that they can enhance the value of services to existing and new clients. We follow proven methodologies for the placement of desired candidates in Bangladesh